Part of making the personal decision to undergo surgery to improve appearance of your nose is the consideration of how much it will cost. Like many other important decisions in life, there is a cost/benefit analysis that plays into the final decision. In this case, in addition to the physical and emotional “cost” of undergoing surgery, there is also a significant financial cost since most cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance.
There are typically three components to the cost of undergoing a cosmetic rhinoplasty – the surgeon’s fee, the anesthesia provider’s fee, and the facility or operating room charges. These costs vary based on whether the surgery is performed at a hospital, an ambulatory surgery center, or at a private practice. The cost can also vary based on your location/region. Often, operating room and anesthesia fees are determined based on the time of the case, which correspond with the complexity of your surgery. The surgeon’s fee is usually priced based on the experience of the surgeon, the area in which he or she practices, and the scope of work.
My rhinoplasty surgeon’s fees range from $4,500 to $7,500. The total price for my rhinoplasty surgeries (including surgeon’s, anesthesia, and operating room fees) is $6,700 to $13,000 with an average of about $10,000, depending on the degree of intervention desired and the corresponding duration of time required to accomplish my patient’s goals. I perform surgery out of MedStar Georgetown University Hospital and MedStar Lafayette Ambulatory Surgery Center, both of which are in Northwest Washington, DC, and both have similar pricing for the anesthesia fee and operating room charges.
Lots of people ask me whether these procedures can be covered by insurance. Typically, any procedure that is performed to alter your appearance for cosmetic reasons is not covered by medical health insurance. However, if there is a portion of your surgery that is medical in nature – fixing a deviated septum, sinus surgery, or “functional” rhinoplasty – portions of your surgery may be eligible for coverage by insurance. In these instances, a portion of the operating room and anesthesia fees can be submitted to the insurance company; however, the surgeon’s fee for the cosmetic portion of the surgery is not included in coverage. Thankfully, I have an amazing support staff who can explain all of the associated costs with you and can provide guidance on scheduling and insurance authorization.
Since I am a double board-certified ear, nose, and throat (ENT) and facial plastic surgeon, the benefit of choosing me as your surgeon is that I have mastery of both the form and function of the nose. I often perform cosmetic and medical procedures simultaneously, combining what would otherwise require two distinct surgeons. I pride myself on generating beautiful, natural, and functional results for my patients. One of my patient’s summed up my efforts as having given her “the nose [I] was always meant to have.” I look forward to doing the same for you!