Depending on where you live, the summer weather can take a brutal toll on your skin. Things like the sun, chlorinated pools, and ocean water can cause dry skin, wrinkles, age spots, and an increased risk of skin cancer.
One solution that’s probably safest is staying cool inside and avoiding all that summer fun. However, we know how much you want to go outside and enjoy that long-awaited beach vacation. Don’t let the threat of the sun prevent you from getting your dose of vitamin D.
To make sure you’re fully protected from damaged skin this summer we threw together a short list of tips and tricks to follow when spending long amounts of time outdoors.
Wear sunscreen
We know you may have heard this a million times but trust us. You can still get that summer tan while protecting your skin from harmful UV rays.
Sunscreen of at least 15+ SPF and applying at LEAST every 2 hours is recommended for it to be effective against the sun. Don’t forget to apply it after being in the water! The sunscreen bottle may say “water-resistant,” but after towel drying, don’t expect any sunscreen to have stayed behind.
Drink lots of water
The sun has a tendency to make us dehydrated and with that comes dry skin. Make sure when you plan on heading out for a day in the sun that you pack a little extra water.
Water can keep you hydrated and replenish your skin from the dry heat.
This is crucial! Not only does the sun dehydrate you, but things like chlorinated pools and sea water can dry out your skin in an instant.
Stay on top of your skin by moisturizing frequently. Sunscreen can help a little, but investing in a good after-sun moisturizer can be a savior. It not only helps rehydrate, but it can help prolong that tan you’ve carefully worked for.
Wear protective clothing
Do you ever get burnt on the top of your head without realizing it? It’s one of those tricky spots where sunscreen just isn’t going to help. Wearing protective clothing like a hat can protect your scalp from burning and shade your face.
Other times, your skin may already be too exposed to the sun, yet you still want to enjoy the outdoors. Things like loose fitting long sleeve shirts and pants can cover up your skin from further exposure without making you too hot in the heat.
Don’t totally avoid the sun this summer, book a vacation. Instead, know your options for staying protected while being outside. With these few tips, you should be on your way to maintaining your flawless skin.